Mission Statement

Superclub Ciclista: Road cycling with an Italian flair since 1989
Our essence is our ethos: we ride with the group, for the group

We will only take seriously that which we believe is worthy, as the triumph of seriousness over pure enjoyment is anathema to our souls. To this end we are affiliated to those official organisations that control road racing, time trialing and track racing in England and have a number of riders taking part in these disciplines. 
The more leisurely pursuits of club runs are augmented by early season training events, Sportive and Audax events, weekends away, cycling holidays aboard, and social gatherings on festive occasions or when the mood takes us. 

The Gregarios are not seduced by the worship of results-oriented performance. Style must never be compromised, either while riding, or “dopo giro", and we attach great importance to the design of our club kit utilising some of the most famous fashion designers in the London area. Once you have worn the Gregarios kit you will understand our passion for being the best in this fast-changing arena. 

Remember the club mottos - “You are only as good as your last race performance, but style lives forever”. "Coffee and cake will always be revered".  "Sunday izza da bike" (delivered in thick Italian accent).  

Cycling is more fun in a group

No one gets dropped

Meet kindred spirits
